Dec 29, 2009 00:34
I have no idea how many times he has rejected my friend request. I don't understand why we can't be friends on facebook. It doesn't make any sense to me. I keep trying but I'm very disappointed with myself each time he rejects. I'm not even disappointed with him. I'm disappointed in myself for not giving up on him. He has clearly given up and stuff and I'm still being such an idiot in not letting go. I think I brought this upon myself. BLAH this sucks.
I tried talking to him on msn. The moment I said 'hey', he went on away status. Sigh. I don't know man. I have no idea how far he is going to go with this. I'm glad that he wished me merry christmas through text. At least he remembered me right? He keeps saying that we can never be together again. But I don't know why my brain keeps telling me that if I wait long enough, he'll come back. Haha, I don't believe I was in a bad relationship.
I just thought we had some issues and we really need a heart-to-heart talk. Even if it means breaking my heart, I am willing to go through it to make things work between us. But he said it wasn't enough I think. I can't remember actually. I think my memory's failing. Today I saw the magazine that had the photo of us for best boyfriends. It was awkward but I guess it's difficult to say I've forgotten about him completely. Whatever it is, I think I'll just take one step at a time. I have no idea how long it's going to take me to let go of him. Maybe I don't even want to. But who cares right?