Oct 10, 2006 05:55
okay, ive gotten no farther on this joke essay. so i will write three stories instead.
Story 1
Once there was a young fox. The young fox enjoyed many of the more fun things in life. He loved fast cars, cigarettes, alchohol and fine vixens. His best friend was a young hyena. The hyena's family was poor, so the hyena worked hard at his studies and maintained a 4.0 grade average. The fox had no worries regarding his academics since his grandfather invented the ziploc bag. The hyena would spend night after night studying his trigonometry and biology so he could get into a decent college and make his family proud. The fox would get drunk every night and swim in the pool and smoke fine cigars and entertain many beautiful ladies. Well one day, a new student came to their school. She was a turtle, and she was the most beautiful creature both the fox and the hyena had ever seen. They both swore to themselves that they would marry the turtle and make her extremely happy. The hyena asked her out on a date. She agreed and he took her to his house. She was however unimpressed by dinner (rotten zebra flesh) and less impressed by his family's tendency to erupt into frightening bouts of laughter. The next night she went on a date with the fox. The fox took her to an expensive dinner, where he bought them lobsters and cavier and fine wine. Later he took her back to his mansion where they swam in his beautiful swimming pool. She fell in love with him immediately. Eventually they became married and had three fox-turtles. The hyena went to a reputable state school and graduated with a degree in chemistry and worked for the State Sanitation Regulation Committee until his untimely death in 2005.
Story 2
Fen was the son of a wealthy fox and turtle; his father-fox had inherited a multi-million dollar estate and now bestowed it onto his eldest son; Fen. Fen was only nineteen when all this happened and was rather overwhelmed with what to do with it all. Should he split it with his younger brother and sister? Or perhaps give some of it to the poor, some of it to cancer research, some of it to victims of cancer and the rest to the victims of cancer research? He thought about it well and hard for about a month. After about a month, he decided to buy a really nice house on the Gold Coast and spend the rest of his money on marijuana and alcohol.
Story 3
This story pertains to the youngest daughter of family of the fox and turtle. She was a young fox-turtle and very intelligent. She wanted to become a playwright and studiously attended plays at fabulous theatres. This she could afford, as her father was rather wealthy. One day she saw a play called Memories of the Sandbox which had been written by a young catapillar not much older than herself. The play involved a murder mystery that had a romantic subplot. There were also some jokes. She saw the play and was emotionally moved by the characters, so much that she felt she could never write a word that was half as great as what she saw on the stage. So she gave up her dream of becoming a playwright, and instead became a drama critic. And is still despised to this day.