Dec 13, 2004 08:45
I know what I am capable of and what I want. But what I want is not all that I am capable of. Does this make a difference? I think it does. I do not feel happy any longer. There is this sickness inside disabling me from my heart felt breaks....there are cracks and cheats along the way. Did he have to sleep with the other girl? Why did she think he was her boyfriend? How did she find out about me? What are his intentions?
I want to leave....I want to go away from this and find someone to take care of me, so I can be far far off in no where land and dream of these fairy tales I have always wanted to become reality. No one wants to do anything over winter vacation. Including me. I want no more than to stay home and mope about crying my eyes dry and taking showers to rinse the longing away. No more and I just want to leave.