Exact Change

Dec 12, 2009 10:28

I'm working retail to get a few extra bucks. Job Is Job is Very Slow until March or until new orders arrive so... Wal-Mart.

This is a notice to ALL Walmart shoppers: The credit-card machine prompts DO NOT CHANGE between visits. Do not get in my line and stare at the machine waiting for me to explain it to you again. You visit here four times a week you should be explaining this process to ME.

Rant also applies to people who CANNOT READ. I do not know how you succeeded in life but if you cannot READ THE MACHINE or the receipt don't get in my line because I have NO SYMPATHY FOR YOU. Ignorance is a sin not a virtue.

Lastly there is a special hell reserved for these people: It is Christmas. There are THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE shopping. Please have your money or card ready to pay when you get to the register... and if you decide that you are going to give me exact change do so quickly do NOT dig through your giant 300 cubic meter purse looking for that last nickel. There are 200 other people in line behind you you are NOT the center of the world. Not in my line anyway.

Like I said, Job Is Job picks up again in March so I won't have to deal with this horse-shit for very long.
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