You can assume practically all of their songs are in XIverse as well unless other Vocaloids apped after this would like a few to be neglected
Here are some songs (with subs) for quick reference
Kagamine Twin Songs (both):
RevolutionMagnetTrick and Treat (Reborn!ver) +
better PV, but no subs ;A;CantarellaAdolescence/CendrillonSpinning SongRin Len DanDiscotheque★LoveFrom a Place You're Not There --
Kagamine Series:
Evil Series:
Daughter of Evil +
(happy ver) (Rin)
Servant of Evil +
(happy ver) (Len)
Regret Message +
(happy ver) (Rin)
Re_Birthday (Len)
Reverse Evil Series:
Prince of Evil (Len)
World is Mine Series:
World is Mine (Len)
World is Mine (Rin)
Butterfly on Your Right Shoulder:
Butterfly on Your Right Shoulder (Rin)
Butterfly on Your Right Shoulder (Len)
LIVE (both, no subs)
KOKORO Series:
Kokoro (Rin)
Kiseki (Len)
Kokoro/Kiseki Mixed (both)
Riddle Series:
Nazotoki/The Riddle Solver who can't solve Riddles (Len)
Nazokake/The Riddler who won't solve riddles (Rin)
Elevator Series:
Utopia (both)
A Faint Wish (both)
The New Millennium (Len, Miku)
Prisoner Series:
Prisoner (Len)
Paper Planes (Rin)
Synchronicity Series:
Looking For You In The Sky (Len)
Paradise of Light and Shadow (both)
Kagamine Len:
Fire◎FlowerSpice(short ver) +
(long ver)My Bloody DollPsychotic Love SongGive Me Back My PantsHot CocaBringing The Rain --
Kagamine Rin:
Meltdown +
LIVEFear GardenLove is War (original by Miku)
The Cursed Glasses - stray girl in her lensesRING RING RINGI Like You, I Love YouIrohaDolls --
With Other Vocaloids:
Honey (... everyone)
Alice of Human Sacrifice (Meiko, Kaito, Miku, Rin, Len)
Dark Woods Circus (Miku, Kaito, Rin, Len)
Imitation Black (Len, Kaito, Gakupo)
Always and Forever (Rin , Gumi)
Yaranaika (Len, Kaito)
Shizukana Kohan (Len, Kaito, Rin, Meiko, Miku)