Note to self

Dec 07, 2006 00:15

One day last week, during the two-hour gap between my classes, I killed time sitting in the library, looking at random books out of the physics section. One of the things I read was "The Fabric of the Cosmos" by Brian Greene - a chapter where he talks about time. The basic point (or the point my brain decided was most important, anyway) was that our intuitive idea of past/present/future is demonstrably wrong... One of the consequences of relativity is that there's no such thing as absolute simultaneity: if you freeze time, and ask what's happening at this exact moment, two people with different vantage points may see completely different, contradictory sets of events. So the idea of "now" doesn't really have much meaning. Time can't be thought of as a sequence of discrete moments. Reality, Greene says, can only be thought of as encompassing all moments at once. The past and future are as real as the present, always.

I'm scared of losing my happy memories, so I kind of latched onto this idea that the past is very much still real. Not gone. It's comforting, so I wanted to write it down here, to make sure I don't forget it.

Maybe I should start an actual paper journal to write things like this in. Knowing other people are going to read it made me add the explanation of where it came from and why it's here. Which is kind of weird, since it's really just a reminder for myself.

...Also I am strangely uncomfortable with the idea of posting a livejournal entry where I don't make any jokes, so here is something out of a file I have on my computer full of quotes that I think are funny. This one is from some old forum thread where a girl was asking how to tell if a guy likes her, and someone responded thusly:

Fuck all this bullshit. The only way to truly know if he's interested is to go into the woods and collect twigs. Get a large pile and select the five best twigs from the lot. Set fire to the remaining twigs and hold your five in the smoke for three minutes. Now, take your five twigs. Place one in each of your two back pockets. Take the remaining three and, saying nothing and making no eye contact, give them to the man in question. If he takes them and hands two back to you, turn and walk away. If he says, "Hey, you've got sticks in your back pockets," he is interested. Any other outcome means he harbors naught but disdain and ill will towards you.
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