Oct 20, 2008 22:35
I kinda lost my job at a really good time... i mean, it sucks financially, but really, if I had been working like normal this week it would have been *crazy*.
Tomorrow I go to the local grocery stores to beg for free food. Apparently, if you're a non-profit/charitable organization you just stick a "please help us!" on letterhead and they'll give you gift certificates! So if I got to 10 or so grocery places (Costco! BJ's!) and $20 a place... we can totally feed 150-200 kids with that. Hot dogs, chips and generic soda all the way!
It's gonna be so cool! Haunted house on the second floor - it's these little rooms that weave in and out, and about 12-15 actors scaring the crap out of the kids.
The Carnival games on the first floor including Guitar Hero which my cousin said he'd lend me :)
I kinda hope that we have some protesters, you know the people who say Halloween is the devils holiday... then we'd be cool and official!
But anyway... November is good cause one guy is going on vacation and by domino affect I get more hours. Yay!