it's my first snow day. to celebrate, here is a badass .gif of Castiel kickin' ass.
/wobble. spit. raise dukes. punch.
not blink.**
suffice it to say, tomorrow I am sleeping in and playing video games. hell to the yeah.
P.S. prolly gonna start watching Supernatural from the end of Season 3 till now. Yes, that's the most shallow way to do it but I can't help it. I ain't got no time for watching stuff, so I might as well enjoy Cas <3
In semi-interesting news; there are some students visiting Simmons from a university in Japan. I forgot the name and sob, I tried walking up the them in Bartol today but I'm soooo shy, it was terrible. I was like "Eto... Yoroshiku!" and some upperclassman corrected me like "...onegaishimasu?"*** and she just shot me down so hard that all I was able to say was like "Hai..." and dash away. Boo! I wanted to say "Simmons ni youkoso!" b-but I crapped out. /sobs forever. There's always tomorrow~?
**How cool is it that Cas doesn't blink? I mean, I'm such a fan of the little details that this just makes me squee so much. Of course angels don't blink, why would they? It's brilliant~!
***She said "onegaishimasu." but it sounded like "Learn how to speak Japanese, noob." D':