Wooooo~ My CS final was today~ And it went pretty damn well if I do say so myself~
You see, this morning I made a prediction. I said to myself: "Self, today is going to be a good day." And you know what? It was.
I got my Yukimi/Kumohira doujin in the mail (will be scanning it soon) today~! Then I went out to Jamaica Plain and bought a useless but cute sake bottle (it cost me a dollar and I kind of love random do-hickies). And I saw Fantastic Mr. Fox.
Since then I've been having fun at
gargleblasted and overrall enjoying my dorkiness to its maximum setting. Methinks tomorrow I shall marathon HIMYM. Next stop;
typochronicles and then once Nyankoi is done,
I didn't fill out the Hispanic Scholarship Fund, though. Fuck. Well, it's not my fault finals fell around the same time as the due date. Can't win 'em all. /excuses
But I'm not gonna let that get me down! Today has been too excellent to worry about things that can't be helped.