Counting Down About Meme

Mar 22, 2009 10:40

So I'm thinking of making that BSB friending meme. (I got the gradient text in either Black & Blue or black/gray/white for Unbreakable.) Does anyone know how to make those preset text boxes so I can set the stuff for people to fill out? Any suggestions? Never really done any of these before I wonder if there's a how-to on Friending memes...

Ten Things I Wish I Could Say to Ten Different People:

10. Take me seriously.
9. You need to go to MIT. It might be hard for you, but it'll work out for the best, I know it.
8. Baw, I'm afraid we're growing distant. I hope that changes next year!
7. I don't understand you. Am I your friend or not?
6. I'm so glad I met you, even if there are times when you get really bitchy.
5. I still don't know if I have a thing for you or not. You're a nice dude, but relapses just don't seem like my thing.
4. She's nice and all, but I hope you know what you're getting into. The long run might not be pretty.
3. I don't want to leave youuuu. Augh, we need to hang out more before I leave!
2. I wish we'd been forced to hang out together sooner. You're such a great person and your friends can be so cruel sometimes! I hope you get into BU so we can hang out!
1. I don't want to think you're gay. I don't. But why does it seem likely?

Nine things about myself.

9. I get obsessed easily, but I love every minute of it.
8. I make time for doing nothing, when I should be making time for studying.
7. I hate people who scream on the phone.
6. I have a really bad habit of not washing my hair till it gets kinda gross.
5. I'm obsessed with Twitter. It's like refreshing my Flist, but better.
4. I've spent probably over a year in a hospital (if you add them all up)
3. I'm really self-conscious about myself around strangers and come off really shy. Once I get in my comfort zone, I become loud and try to make fun of myself.
2. I took ballet from kindergarten to second grade.
1. I like to snuggle. ):

Eight ways to win my heart.

8. Sing. I'm not kidding. A falsetto would imply instant love.
7. Don't be afraid of your feminine side. A guy who can tell me Mary Poppins is his favorite movie or that he used to like the Backstreet Boys is to me, a hot stud.
6. Laugh easily. Or at least make me laugh.
5. Tell me how you feel. I love listening.
4. Don't judge me.
3. Don't be ashamed of what you love. (I'm trying to follow this tidbit.)
2. Be honest. I don't want to change for you, so you don't have to change for me.
1. Hugs and love, bb. Show me your affection.

Seven things that cross my mind a lot.

7. The Game (dammit)
6. Insults
5. "I could be at home playing video games..."
4. Anime/Manga References (which no one else around me gets, so I have to keep it quiet)
3. Backstreet Boys (recently)
2. My Friends
1. Slash

Six things I do before I fall asleep.

6. Shower
5. Brush my teeth
4. Charge my cellphone
3. Listen to my iPod for a while
2. Tweeze my eyebrows
1. Set my alarm (even when there's no school)

Five people who mean a lot.

5. My brothers (yes I am joining them as a whole)
4. JJ
3. Claudia
2. Moofy
1. Diana

Four things you're wearing right now.

4. The H3PO4 (phosphoric acid) T-shirt some friends of mine gave out 10th grade Chemistry.
3. School gym shorts.
2. Socks.
1. Mandles. (My hideous man-sandles)

Three most played songs on your ipod.

3. My Eyes - Felicia Day & Neil Patrick Harris
2. The Call - Backstreet Boys
1. Hey Beautiful - The Solids (theme from How I Met Your Mother)

Two things you want to do before you die.

2. Go to Japan.
1. Go to a Backstreet Boys concert. (My inner child will not rest till this is done.)

One confession.

1. I'm not actually against religion. Actually, I'm pretty interested in it, and consider myself a Catholic. I just feel like if I showed that interest, people would assume it was thanks to my mom; and I what I'm against to is her view of religion. I want it to make my own, thanks.

fangirling, life, backstreet boys, meme

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