new semester

Aug 13, 2009 00:14

firstly, to sort out loose ends from previous blogs:

legal research: pass (80%+)
maths: A and a letter from the maths department suggesting that i major in maths or applied maths, and also suggesting that i do stage two advanced maths, among other things. this is quite possibly the first time since year 7/8 that anyone has told me that i'm any good at maths. i should frame this letter. i think that this exam was scaled up quite a lot too).
economic theory: A (this must have been scaled as i calculated that i needed something like 94% in the exam to get this mark).
accounting: A+ and a letter from the accounting and finance department suggesting that i major in accounting or finance, aaaand a personal congratulatory email from the lecturer.

new subjects for the semester: 
econ 211: intermediate macroeconomics
econ 221: introduction to econometrics
econ 351: financial economics

i feel like i have been deceived in a major way. the course advisors told people that econ 211 had "nearly no maths" in it. i have spent the last three-four hours solving maths equations for an econ 211 assignment. liars.

also, last week my friends said that something to the effect of that they think i'm retarded for taking maths and finance. whateverrrr.

continuing subjects: 
law 201: criminal law
law 231: law of torts

i started the semester 47 cases behind in criminal law because i had spent so much time at the end of last semester simply "treading water" in that subject, while i tried to get all the tests/assignments/study for the other subjects done. but it's ok; i'm up to date now. i calculated that i've now read like 60 cases in the last few weeks.. on average like 20 cases per week or more because i didn't read any in the first week. or maybe one or two. also torts is getting really haaaaard. makes me wish that i had taken public like everyone else did. ew.

it's only week 4 and i'm already panicking. ahhhhhhhhhhh. i sincerely hope that cancer is not stress-related because if it is then i'm screwed.


from reading all the old entries in this blog, i've noticed some similarities between old posts and new ones. like one that i wrote at the end of year 10/beginning of 11 ended with 'i want an ice cream', as one of the more recent ones did. once a glut, always a glut.. i guess. also, i did a 'marks commentary' at the end of year 10 as well. at that stage i did not know of the bad ncea marks to come. perhaps now i do not know of my bad end of year marks and potential fail grades to come. ahhhh. please no. please let this be the end of the similarities.

i want sleep but i have to solve another economic maths problem. rats.

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