Feb 11, 2005 19:27
Hummm.Things suck so bad. I find that things can never just come to me without some stupid complecations. Nothing in my life comes without atleast a ton of pain all I trully want to do is scream half of the time. Honestly I don't think I can deal with people anymore. I hate the fact that I try so hard to make things work then something has to happen to make me realize that I will never be able to get what I want or feel like I deserve. I don't even care how people view me anymore weither it be nice or just mean honestly I don't give a shit anymore. Hate that so many of my days are spent in tears and in my own self pitty. I hate the fact that I have family that I have never met. I hate the fact that everytime I talk to a guy the only thing that they think about is what they can get out of me. I hate how I am so mad, and so scared about everything.I think what I really hate is the fact that I have emotions. Cause they are a huge pain in ass. Ohhh and just being a girl in general. Especailly during a certain time of the month.Ohhhh Fuck it I just don't know about anything anymore.