Dec 29, 2004 18:44
immmmm backkkkkkkkk! um not much to say ...FAMILY......"ashley dosent like black people"!
best _____ of the year:
1. party: all the ones in g-town
2. show: the OC
3. CD: um........kayne west :college drop-out
4. movie: i caint remember
5. song: she will be loved
6. experience: 5 days of sex with molly
7. concert: never been to one
8. book: lovley bones
9. month: JULY
10. day: it was the day that i died
worst ____ of the year:
1. party: the parties that i didnt attend
2. show: all reality shows
3. CD: "all rap music" this was carley's response and she can go and put a fork in a toaster..........
4. movie: prob......gili
5. song: turn me on
6. experience: watching molly take a bath in pig's uterus....then taking a shower in whale penises...........then rubbing sex panther on her cookies
7. concert: none
8. book: "Harry potter" agian carleys response harry potter books came out this year
9. month: august
10. Day: the 31st of feb.
hopes for 2005:
1. predict something that you think will happen in 2005?: I will jump into a pool of urine and gazoo's feces
2. what do you hope changes about your country?: there will be peace and ........racism will seize to exist
3. what do you hope for yourself?: fun
4. what do you hope for your family?: we win the lottery
5. what do you hope for your best friend(s)?: they all die and go to hell...............just kidding.......that all their dreams come true
during 2004:
1. where were you when it began?: in galveston at mia's house in her bathroom .....holding her hair
2. did you stay up?: yeah .........but i didnt even know when it was 12:00
3. what was your new year wish?: to not have a hangover
4. how many boy/girlfriends?: none cuz i moved here!!!!!!
5. broke up?: yeah thanks conan
6. have any crushes?:yeah....lasted a week or two
7. care to mention names?: brandin, and nick
8. new friends?: yea............alot!!!!
9. had to say goodbye?: yes
10. missed anyone?: hell yeash
11. win anything?: um i dont think so
12. best place you went to?:prob. penn. i always love it there.......and then flordia
13. worst place you went to?: house..sometimes
14. happiest moment?: when i got gazoo
15. how was your birthday?: dad had a party but i was not for me it was for the 4th of july
16. best present?:gazoo.....or my butt banger 83929394