Title:The Baddest Chicks
Pairing: Spock/Uhura,Scotty/Charlene,Rand/Sulu TOS
Warnings: Language,sex and humor
Rating: NC17
Summary:Nyota,Charlene,and Janice feel the need to cut loose.Ass shaking,lust,dance off's against Orions.
AN: Thank you ladies.You really made me feel welcome.I thought I'd try my hand at funny smut.Wish me luck.
Disclaimer:I don't own Trek nor am I making any loot.
Stress, there was no way around it. The ladies had been thru their fair share in the past few months. Lt. Charlene Masters was dealing with the aftermath of a recent attack. Yeoman Rand had been kidnapped by a lovesick teen. Lt. Uhura had stepped thru a time portal. Sure they were starfleet officers but no amount of training could prepare you for these types of situations.
Charlene enters the mess hall for a cup of the worst coffee in the federation.Oh well, at least it was hot. She already see’s that Uhura is seated. “Hey Char, over hear”. “What’s up Ny?” Uhura shakes her head and sighs. “Girl I am beat.” “ I need a spa day or something.” Charlene nods her head in agreement.
“Tell me about it. After all the shit we’ve gone thru in the past few months it’s no wonder we aren’t crazy.” Just then, Yeoman Rand walks in and both ladies wave her over to their table.
“Let me guess, says Rand taking a seat, stress?” Uhura lets out a tired laugh. “I was just telling Charlene I could use some downtime.” Janice was more direct. “I could do with someone just going down on me.” Charlene almost chocked on her coffee after a statement like that. “Damn girl don’t even get me started on that. I haven’t had an orgasm in a long time. I don’t even remember what one feels like, I haven’t seen one in so long I’m about to send out a damn search party.”
“Okay Char, we get it, you haven’t come in a while, laughs Nyota.” “Why are we just sitting around not doing anything about it?” Rand leans in and asks “do what?”
“Uh Janice get that look out of your eyes, I mean we should do something fun. No Janice, not Isle of Lesbos fun, I mean a girls night out. Look we deserve it. Name three females on this ship who have gone thru as much as we have, in relatively few months. The next time this ship docks anywhere decent, let’s hit a club."
Charlene pipes in. “ Man I have these wicked leather hot pants and a black halter that make me look like a sexy super villain. I’m in”. Noyta looks at Janice, “are you in or what?”
Janice slowly smiles, “sure why not, but just incase things don’t pan out we should still stay open to the Isle of Lesbos thing,” rolling her eyes, Charlene says “it’s settled then.” Two weeks later an opportunity presented its self.
The Enterprise needed to make port. Just routine maintenance. The colony was located on Deneva, a member of the federation in the Beta Quadrant.
The capital city Lacon was beautiful. It was a perfect. While Scotty and the main engineering crew took care of the repairs, Bones would insist that crew members get some R&R. Lacon had a wealth of beaches, bars and clubs. Nyota set about finding the best clubs for their excursion. After two days of research she found it, The Gordian Knot.
The next day at lunch Nyota informed Charlene and Janice. They went to work, outfits, hairstyles, accessories the whole nine. It was another three days before Bones informed them that they could beam down for a few days.
They walked into the transporter room looking like the living, breathing embodiment of sin. Charlene had on a pair of black leather shorts, if they could be called that. They looked more like panties. The black halter appeared to be a cough away from letting a nipple slip out.
The Coupe de grace were the shoes. Five inches, black and silver with straps that wrapped around her calves. She was growing her afro out, so she was able to do some flat twist in the front. A pair of silver hoops was the only jewelry she wore. Scotty wanted to be there to beam his friends down. To say that he was speechless would be a world class under statement. The chief engineer had a huge crush on Charlene.
“My God, I’m glad I’m standing behind deck, or she would see just how much I appreciate that outfit” he thought.
Janice was next. Her hair in a sleek ponytail, she wore a blue cat suit with built in boots that looked painted on. Scotty discreetly contacts Sulu to the transporter room. He’s not going to want to miss the sight of Rand in that cat suit.
Last but not least was Nyota. She wore green from head to toe. The mini was really no shorter than the uniforms that female crew members wore, it just looked more salacious because it was topped with a corset.
The thigh high fuck me boots didn’t help either. Her hair was soft and loose around her face. Gold hoops and slave bracelets completed the look. Just then Sulu steps into the transporter room, “Hot damn, Rand is that you? Man, you look good enough to eat!”
“So much for discretion” mumbles Scotty. Charlene throws back her head and laughs. “Ladies lets do this.” Just then first officer Spock Shows up. He locks eyes with Nyota. He silently thanked Surak for his teachings and vulcan control.
“Lt.Uhura a word please”. Nyota steps off the transporter pad and walks down the hall a little ways. “As first officer of this ship, the safety of the crew is paramount.” “Where are you, Lt. Masters and Yeoman Rand going?” Nyota works hard to suppress a laugh.
“Mr.Spock we’re going dancing at a club called the Gordian Knot. This really was amusing. I wonder how many other crew members were asked where they were headed? she thought. Spock nodded at her and they went back into the transporter room. Nyota walked ahead and Spock had a view of that spectacular backside. Now that all three ladies were on the transport pads, Nyota gave the command to energize. "I would kill to be Rand's cat suit"snickers Sulu.
"I'm done for the night" states Scotty.
He couldn't wait to get back to his quaters and use the image of Charlene in those hotpants to help him "unwind."Spock simply turned and left.He had spent a full minute and fifteen point two seconds thinking about Lt.Uhura's ass."There's never a dull moment on this ship"
Sulu grins.