Jun 19, 2009 11:00
I was looking up recipes for humus and found out some interesting info*.
You should wait after crushing/chopping garlic before cooking/blending it.
Garlic is packed with good molecules, but they are not active inside the garlic clove. The cells contain precursors of protective agents (called alliin), and the cells also contain the enzymes (alliinase) that can free the the active molecules (allicin, which gives diallyl sulfide and other compounds). When you crunch or cut garlic, precursors and enzymes are mixed, and the "good reaction" takes place while you wait.
So immediately cooking chopped/crushed garlic kills the mixing enzymes, and immediately blending the garlic (with chickpeas or etc) dilutes them so they don't mix/react/provide full healthy benefits.
* It was found online. Take with a pinch of salt (and a dash of lemon for flavor).
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