To clarify my statement on Obama as the lesser evil...

Mar 07, 2010 02:49

I didn't say that everyone who voted for Obama or the rest of the Democrats voted for the lesser evil. Heck, I even started to believe he would be different and actually work for some of the things he promised. Sadly, he has proven to be the same as the rest.

I'm saying that the people out there who complain that neither of the parties do anything but lie to get in to office; who complain that never party is what they want, need to stop voting for parties that don't do what they want. A lot of liberals voted for Obama and the Democrats lately because they were afraid of more years of Bush-policy. Obama has continued in the same vein as Bush. Patriot Act? Extended. Foreign Wars? Surge in Afghanistan and posturing against Iran. Tax Cuts for the Rich? Replaced with bail-outs for the rich. Health Care Reform? He is pushing a bill through that helps the insurance industry at the cost of the American people.

If this is what you wanted, fine. I am not saying that everyone wants what I want. What I am saying, is that people who think like I do need to stop giving the Democrats power just because they are afraid of the Republicans. I fell for the rhetoric and speeches of Obama and have watched him do exactly the opposite that he promised. I knew he was less than what I wanted, but voted for him anyway because I thought he would at least be honest and if he had at least kept his campaign promises, I'd be happy.


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