Gaming in the grim darkness of the far future...

Nov 18, 2007 13:59

I played Warhammer 40K Apocalypse for the first time yesterday. The local GW store was having a big game. I haven't bought the rule book for Apocalypse (and don't really plan to since they made it an oversized HC for $50 when it could have easily been published as a normal-sized paperback for $20), but was assured I would be OK without knowing the rules to play.

For those of you who do not know, Apocalypse is a new set of supplemental rules for playing very big games of Warhammer 40K. While a standard game of 40k has about 1850 pts per side, Apocalypse has no limit to the number of points.

I brought all three of my armies (Iron Hand Space Marines, Necron, and Genestealers) and when I was only one of a few people to show up and the only one with a large amount of figures, I ended up playing all three of my armies against three other players (2 Space Marines and an Imperial Guard). With a few borrowed Tyranid figs from the store, my army came out to about 8100 pts: 300o pts of Necrons, 3000 pts of Genestealers/Tyranids and 2000 pts of Space Marines. Most of my troops were infantry and I was facing a lot of tanks (including two Baneblades, which are HUGE tanks) and a Warhound Titan (a giant battle robot).

Set-up goes pretty quickly, considering the size of the armies as their is a time limit and anything not on the table after the time limit is up, goes in reserve to come in to the game later in the game.

The Apocalypse rules have a lot of other rules that make the game go faster than a standard game of Warhammer 40k would at this size, but it still can take a while. Those who know my gaming habits well, know that I prefer short games (that allow multiple games to be played) to long games and this game ended up going until the store closed. It was a lot of fun and it was a close game with lots of craziness. (In the end I won, but they made me work for it.)

Here are a few pics I snapped in the game:

My Necron Warriors dropping like flies as they fight in melee combat against Space Marine Terminators:

Imperial aircraft making a strafing run against my Genestealers:

My unpainted "Flying Broodlord," a Trygon and two Carnifexes turning to take on a squadron of IG tanks after carving up a Baneblade:

Edit: For anyone curious about what 8000 pts bought me:
The army consisted of 63 Genestealers, 1 Genestealer Patriarch (counted as a Broodlord), 8 Hormagaunts, 2 Raveners, 1 Flying Broodlord (counted as a Flying Hive Tyrant), 2 Genestealers Magi (counted as Zoanthropes), 1 Trygon, 2 Carnifexes, 40 Necron Warriors, 10 Necron Immortals, 5 Necron Destroyers, 4 Heavy Destroyers, 2 Necron Lords, both C'tans, 1 Monolith, 10 Scarab Swarms, 3 Necron Wraiths, 30 Space Marine Terminators, 2 Space Marine Commanders in Terminator Armor, 1 SM Chaplain in Termie Armor, 2 SM Librarians in Termie Armor, 2 SM Librarians in Power Armor, and 20 Marines in Power Armor.

gaming, photos, warhammer 40k

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