Sep 01, 2004 01:51
Riddle me this, riddle me that... whos afraid of the big... bad... Heath.
What about me?! What about Heath?!
Quote The Heath, Nevermore.
Heath is of his own....
I am not god, nor do I pretend to be!
Hate is Judgment, I am not god... I am not one to judge.
When will it be my time?! When can Heath Truly shine!?
I like to look back over things in my past. Things I have said and things I have done. That list up at the top of this post is some of the things I would say and some of them I still do, "What about Heath" being my favorite, but out of the group... I only use one. I just like to reflect sometimes....
I thought on a subject today which I can not belive ran through my head for as long as it did... you guessed it, it was Typhani... and this time, there was no pain. I smiled and laughed and just looked up at the sky as I drove towards the Church where I belive I may start to regularly attend. A sinsation of satasfactory knowing that I am finally done with her mentally as I threw away the little thing she left behind within my car... though I felt something else.... Pity. Oh what a lovley emotion that can ruin a great mood. Pity is something that proud people refuse to receive and knowing some people... some love to obtain it so I dont know where this will fall for her but I felt enough to make the saddest man happy and the most honerable of men fall. I shruged it off and walks to the church where, for about an hour, played hacky sack and kicked my feelings away.
(I notaced people started to still my 'sig' to... the bastages)