Feb 08, 2008 00:14
failure now would be neutrality.
it would be an i told you so situation with the humility already in place.
success though. success would be proof that ideas and things beyonds mans creation exist.
success would be gulping ambrosia on mount Olympus. it would be holding ares and venus's hands.
but success is one of the last few reasons for succeeding. success for its own sake is arrogant. certainly proving an idea true is more amazing.
i dont know why but i feel it is all in place now. but not because i had to put it there. not because i ran propaganda campaigns and not because i made people believe. everything is in place because it was put there by someone much stronger.
and the past will never change and the smiles we sent and the anger we hid. every thought that went down that no one heard will be another soldier on this field. everytime that the planets aligned and no one was aware will be a cannon. every time that a memory was triggered that didnt belong will be a ship. every wink and every subtle hint a horse. and we will march to glory or lay down our weapons on the plains and go back to our homes.
it is inevitably in our hands. and a certain point we have to come to terms with the fact that the past is the past for a reason. and the future is not laid out. it is not spoken before we get there. it is not set.
i have fought battles before. i have lied and stole to win. this army is a much more brave hearted. these are soldiers not thieves. these are career warriors not liars. we are not killers for hire. we have no price just the proof of an idea. we fight a weighty battle. we do it with god. we do it with our hearts.
and when youre fighting with the best weapons you have it doesnt matter what hill youre storming up or what army you might face. they are just figments of smoke. they will die. but what we fight for today will be seen by everyone around us. it will be seen for generations. a success story for a lifetime. a grandiose idea made more amazing but its roots in truth. a real hope. a real idea. something that exists that we cannot see.
awake and unafraid.