Boring work stuff!

Jan 15, 2010 19:37

Man, information overload this week. I've done a whole tonne of training stuff, half of which I can't really talk about due to it being a bit untalkaboutable (it's a word, I swear) Managed to make my first culture on my own, which was ace, if a little panicky when I realised I'd taken the wrong security card on my journey to get my samples. I find it a bit annoying that we have to take a ten minute trek through three buildings to get stuff, especially when it's critical that you get to work on said samples quickly. Still.

Poor cells were growing ever so well, but I must have had a bit of a lapse in technique as I had an infected well. Meant the whole lot had to go. But annoying, but standards are standards, and I can't be infecting everyone else's work.

Have to do some random cultures for our PI next week, which is a little scary as they're for a paper that needs a couple of revisions. Hope I don't have a lapse in technique this time.

And I know I said I would take rain over snow, but I didn't mean it. Damn weather!

Aside from that, shamblebobblebibblebooble.
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