If a guy goes tanning..does that make him gay??

Aug 13, 2004 22:18

So I guess I really started something with this whole anarchy thing. People I didn't know were talking about it to me. Even the assembly man of New York wanted to know what my thoughts were. Kind of amusing if you ask me. Never really thought anyone would want to hear what I have to say. Normally because I don't think like most people. And people don't like competition. It's not like I like to argue or anything. I just like to get people to think. See when it comes to religion or beliefs, people don't like to be proved wrong. They don't even like to admit that other people have their own views too. See cause different is "scarey". "WE" don't like different because different is a threat.Well I like different. I like optimism. I like to be open minded. It's OKAY for people to disagree. Otherwise it would be a pretty boring world now wouldn't it? I had a talk with my grandparents the other day. My grandparents work for their church and my grandpa has been a minister. They know I don't believe, yet they still try to change me. They said they were only trying to "save" me because it would be for my own good. How is forcing their views on me and making me change my beliefs for my own good? I don't care that they have faith. I don't go "Hey if you don't change your thoughts than something REALLY bad is going to happen to you." I don't even mind it when people preach to me. I could always learn something new. But telling me I'm going to hell because I'm athiest...what now ther're threatening me? (Which by the way wouldn't work in the first place because if I didn't believe in a place called hell than why would that scare me?) I ask them, "How do you know that God is real?" They tell me to look to the bible. I ask them, "How do you know what is right and what is wrong?" They tell me to look to the bible. I ask them, "Why does God let innocent people die, little children get raped, and murdurers go free?" They tell me "Everything happens for a reason." But what IS the reason? How do they know? Oh well the bible has all the answers. But what if, let's say, the bible isn't real? Huh? Yeah. So along comes someone and they spot something on the ground. Oh it's a book let's pick it up and read it. But what it's in a language that no one knows. That's okay we can guess what it says and translate it. Wow there is something called "God" and he is telling us that we have to follow his book to go to a place called "Heaven", but if we don't we will be torchured in "Hell". So they pass on the word and so on and so forth till just about everyone is now following the rules of "God". Later people decide they don't like everything in the book so they make a few modifications. That way they don't have to follow ALL the rules and they can still get to heaven. Some make up their own version of what happened and what THEY want to believe is the truth. Now I could be like the rest of the brainwashed population and go on believing what I was taught. OR I could question what happened, why it happened, how they know what is the truth. Let's say I bury a book..like Harry Potter or something like it. Millions of years later someone finds it, reads it, and thinks it really happened. Soon there will be a new religion revolved around the life of a little wizard boy. Sounds silly doesn't it? Well now you know what I think. Yeah I know religion and anarchy are two different things. But they aren't really. They both stand for what they believe in. And it's good for people to have faith in something. It helps them to sleep better at night. The point isn't who's right and who's wrong. It's that people should be more educated with what's going on around them. Stop being so judgemental towards other when you know nothing about them. I think it's about damn time we learn to say "Hey there are other options." And "Maybe someone else is right." People are just too concieted. Only they know the truth.

Other than my talking about life and what not (and yes I say life IS what not) I'm sunburnt like a mother fucker! Ah! I look like a tomato. And I had to drive everywhere today with my mom in UBER pain. Oh wells. I'm waiting for my Aliien to send me something than it's off to cooling lotion central! Aliien's and Mindian's equal Lost Lover Loser Freaks, incase you didn't know.

P.S. I love Meg! She is my new friend and she kicks SO much booty. Seriously. She is the greatest person ever who ISN'T a slut (even tho I would love her anyhow ;X) And she is gunna be my bed buddy forever! I wish I could go up to her right now and give her a great big HUG. I love you Meggy Poo! ;X <33

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