Too short of days, too long of years

May 27, 2007 02:55

Today was a very good day.

An old and dear friend (
echoweaver) came back home to visit this weekend. Her family lives here but she moved with her husband down to the Great American Southwest some years back. I wasn't in Indy at the time she left, and have only seen her a few times since then. She's one of the big reasons I moved to Indy in the first place, some 10.5 years ago.

So, while she was here for the race on Sunday, she had some time on Saturday to visit, and came down to meet
katmandu07 and me at Kat's house. Kat's another third of my reason for moving here. THe two ladies went out for lunch and some girl talk, and then the three of us headed out to the East side to visit more friends, Doug and Tracy and their kids.. The final third of my trio of Indy-go girls,
lcowper was also there with her husband and kids, all of whom I adore.

SO I got to spend a couple of hours with a good-sized group of some of my very favorite people in the whole world. I'm a happy camper.

The four of us, along with many others including
mihrimah and
voyage2k used to write together on-line. This is one of those cases where an on-line association turned into a real-life relationship, and I am very happy to call all of these terrific folks my friends. I was in Arizona at the time we first met, and when it came time for me to move on from there, Indy just seemed the natural choice. I had a built-in friend base already here waiting for me. I have never regretted that move; it's probably one of the best decisions I've ever made.

Too bad the time had to pass so quickly today . Even though Echo is still in town, I miss her again already. Not enough hours in the day, and yet too many years between visits. On the bright side, though, she says she'll be back later this year for either Thanksgiving or Christmas, pending the family's schedules. Meanwhile, Kat and I are gearing up for the cookout/party/gaming get-together happening at her place on Sunday.

It's days like these that renew my faith and refresh my spirit. I really wish there were more of them.

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