The plot reddens

Oct 18, 2007 03:39

          About 3 weeks ago I was riding on the W&OD trail, and I got off and walked into the woods to take some shots of some abandoned stuff. I came home with no pictures, since I forgot my camera, but I did have a bunch of interesting new bug bites all over my feet and crazy itchy.

Two weeks later, not only are the bites still there, my forearm starts getting a rash and my earlobes burn. And the next day is the topper- I get a new rash on my chest and big red spots on my shoulders, arms, and face. So, I went to CVS and they gave me some lotion and antihistimines and after a few days of taking it, they started to fade.

Today I did legs at the gym; my hardest and least favorite workout. And just to make it a little more fun, I decide to try lifting some heavier weight than I'm used to. I get very sweaty and very tired, but I get through it.

And then at home, the red spots are back, full-on. Not on my face for the most part (although it looks a little pukey), but my shoulders

Did I bust capillaries lifting? Is it still the bug bites? Did I piss off a gypsy? Should I lock myself up next full moon?


blogging from work, fuzzy tice, manliness unwisely invoked

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