Jun 30, 2010 18:02
- 11:30 @ spillcrew I cannot wait to see what you guys do to the Last Airbender. #
- 12:32 @ mike_le it's like the opposite of going up to 11, isn't it XD #
- 12:42 Instead of seeing the Last Airbender in theaters it's recommended that fans just watch the Ember Island Players episode 3x in a row #
- 13:35 Looks like some of Paramount's $130 mil mkt budget went to someone over at CinemaBlend: 3 1/2 star review for Last Airbender. #wtf #
- 13:40 winner of "Guess the 1st good Last Airbender review" pool on @rottentomatoes is 16! Someone @Cinemablend took studio payola or something... #
- 13:45 The Last Airbender review: Michael Phillips says M. Night Shyamalan's losing streak continues - ch.. bit.ly/9Zmb98 #
- 13:48 RT @ropeofsilicon Movie Review: The Last Airbender (2010) is.gd/daqAq #
- 14:47 @ aleghost FYI Suki and Kyoshi Warrior segment was cut from final version. They do not appear in this film. No, seriously. #
- 15:06 RT @filmdrunk People really hate The Last Airbender bit.ly/cTnJ2W #
- 15:08 "The Last Airbender": Do We Take Our Kids? networkedblogs.com/5lSD4 #
- 15:33 Last Airbender twist: they cut Kyoshi warriors and Suki completely, replaced scene with a rousing chorus of "Springtime For Hitler" #
- 16:32 "Last Airbender Review: Worst Movie of the Year | Hyphen magazine - Asian America..." - bit.ly/d6ea9h via @Apture #
- 17:08 @ ParamountPics maybe brown pants might have been a safer choice? #
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