A small dramatic presentation that told itself to me overnight

Jun 21, 2010 10:05


The History of Race Relations in the United States from the Perspective of the White Majority: A Tragicomedy in Three Acts (plus epilog)

by: Me

Act One: 1863
White Majority: Okay okay, there's your damn stupid freedom! Okay? Happy? Now I don't want to hear about it anymore, got it?

Act Two: 1965
White Majority: Okay, fine, here's your stupid civil voting whatever rights! There, now shut up about it already!

Act Three: 2008
White Majority: *dramatically heavy sigh* Alright already! Here's you damn frickin' black president! You got one, okay? Now we're post racial so STFU!

Epilog: The Following Day
White Majority: It's always about race with you people, isn't it?

The End

the other moral of the story: when dreams wake you up, write them down. Seriously.

*and yes, I am aware that no one else got any lines. Obvious implications is obvious.

racebending, dream

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