From My Twitter Feed

May 27, 2010 18:01

  • 18:26 woot! Amazon finally preauthorized the pymt for the ATLA Art Book! #
  • 21:15 @ ebertchicago re: Only a fool would value any video game over "Huckleberry Finn." -- how about over SATC2? #
  • 22:11 the dude that draws PvPonline goes on Gene Yang's blog and cries "what about the poor zomgoppressed Germans in movies? BAAAWWW" Seriously. #
  • 22:29 correction: Kurtz went to the Comic Beat to BAAWWW. No class. Tell it to Donna Barr next time. #
  • 00:37 @ racebending re: bbc interview: get a transcript up! #
  • 12:42 RT @thewrap H'wood's Dreamingof a White Summer - - now with even more hatespewing fail in the comments! #
  • 12:48 RT @washingtonpost Dana Milbank - Republicans search for an agenda and find a circus #
  • 12:55 @ Othar but doesn't that also mean you have to kill god along with the other sparks? Sorry dude my money's on IHWH w/over-under of googol #
  • 15:07 @ ebertchicago - despite Grammy's encouragement, Sunni Gummi finally succumbed to dysmorphic body image syndrome... #
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