simplification, step one

May 20, 2010 23:57

I came to a realization awhile back about my collecting of things. I am a packrat. Not only that, I hoard things. I am terribly cluttered and have no space to put stuff even as I get more.

This has got to stop. Seriously.

So I have decided to start liquidating my stuff. Ebay, mostly. But I have to not be afraid to throw out stuff that is broken or clothes that are too tight or never looked good on me anyway. I have to start letting go of stuff.

Yes I like having my action figures on a shelf. But they just sit there. I enjoy the finding and collecting of them more than the having.

Same with DVDs and games. I haven't watched half the new stuff I've bought, but I keep buying. I don't need to own these when there's Netflix to rent from and Gamefly to get games from. Seriously, if I want to play it I can work for it, rather than finish a game and then pop the next one in.

So. Over the next few months I'm going to begin liquidating things. Not all of it; that would be too scary. But as much of it as I can. And I will set the money aside, because I know I will need it by the end of the year.

So that's what I'm planning to do. I won't worry about any conventions after Anime North and any trips at this point. Much as I really want to try to get to SDCC this year of all years, even if only for a day, for all the people who will be there that I want to see... I'll just have to leave it till next year. This year, I'm simplifying my environment.

This time for sure.

simplify, ebay

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