UPDATED: skirting the lair of the Heathers

Apr 17, 2010 13:35

Or, you know, my so called family.

Who have not contacted me in many many months. Except for, you remember, my sister who texted me on my birthday with the primary purpose of wondering why I defriended her on facebook and the secondary purpose of, you know, wishing me a happy birthday.

Laura's got my one sister (my mother's other daughter) on Facebook, and though 99% of her posts are dumbass Farm games, every now and again she posts something of her own. Like last night. There was a meme going around that "if you have a sister who makes you laugh and cry and so on, post her name."

My sister posted the name of the other sister, Karen. The cruel vicious one, my dad's other daughter, the one who's hated me since before I was born and has never in a single word, thought, or deed let me forget it. Who posted back "hahahaha, thanks!"

Laura gave Colleen (the sister who tolerated me) a big ol' WTF and there has been nothing said since. I am beginning to agree with those who feel that Facebook is a tool to be used when you want to be a Heather without actually being a twelve year old girl. I cannot believe that Colleen didn't mean exactly what she did and that Karen didn't just jump on the bandwagon given the first opportunity--the only startling thing is that it wasn't the other way around, since Colleen is the follower type and Karen the instigator type.

I'm not surprised by this; it only confirms what I've been saying for months. Not really even upset by it, moreso than usual. It's just weird hearing it outside my head for once. But you know, to quote Javert, I've been treated worse, and by better people. Between the drug user/pimp cushion/pathological liar and the embezzler/tax cheat/desperate housewife, I think I came out better on the whole high ground thing.

I don't know where along the line I went from being the youngest to being the oldest. But I'm glad now they have people they can be Heathers with together. And people wonder why I get so defensive about instances of bullying? Well, there ya go.

I don't know about them but I'm too old for that shit, frankly.

Except on Livejournal. Which I could lock, but don't feel like.

Because, if I were to name a sister I can laugh with and cry with, who is with me through good times and bad, it would be Laura --who has treated me with more kindness, respect, honesty, and genuine friendship in the ten years I've lived with her than I experienced in the 80+ combined years of knowing and being forced to interact with Colleen and Karen in the name of "blood relativity."

Trading the two Lemon Sisters for a real gem? Priceless.

And that's what I wanted to say in public.

*********UPDATE! ********
this is the email I got from L:

From: Facebook
Sent: Thu, Apr 22, 2010 4:21 pm
Subject: Colleen Daly wrote on your Wall...

Colleen posted something on your Wall and wrote:

"IT'S SISTER WEEK!!!!! If you have one SISTER or more who makes your life
interesting and fun, is a blessing in your life and generally makes life worth
living by being around, copy and paste this to your status. I love my
sister!!!!!!i do miss arlene and i do love her"

Reply to this email to comment on this post.

To see your Wall or to write on Colleen's Wall, follow the link below:

The Facebook Team
This is the behavior of the pathological liar that I've had to deal with all my life, the person who says only what they think you want to hear and means none of it.

I don't have to play these games anymore, it's no longer a survival skill I need. It's like breaking free of a crysalis, looking at all this with the benefit of hindsight and being outside of it.

my fucked up family

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