two more things I will not do when I am a grown up published author

Apr 09, 2010 13:31

1) berate my readers for buying books on the wrong date, thereby assing up my (already narrow) chances of making the NYT bestseller list.

(from the first comment onward)

and 2) respond to a review on Amazon with any of the following:

a) you don't know what a Mary Sue is so STFU
     b) I did not bribe readers for positive reviews
     c) BAAAWWWWW stop being mean to me! Writing is so HARD!

(you'll need to expand the comments by the author, since they are downvoted into the Neitherworld)

Never heard of her till recently, but now I know why she was on a panel with Shannon I had to sit through last year at Comicon. I think it was the "Poor whiny misunderstood midlist urban fantasy fanfic rewriters don't get no respect" panel, but I could be misremembering.

Please please for the love of all holy, all you urban fantasists who friended me, please don't let yourself be sheduled for this panel

ETA: other authors have also called shenanigans on this, even if only obliquely. Good on you.

wank, wtf, fail, writing, bad authors behaving badly

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