farewell bullies

Jan 26, 2010 14:07

I hate bullies. Especially school bullies. Having been a victim through basically my entire school time, not a day goes by that I don't remember something that someone did to me. Physical. Emotional. Hurt. School was a war zone for me. At least when I was actually doing the work, I had some peace and quiet. But getting to and from school? Lunchtime? Recess? Just going to the goddamn locker? There is a reason I did not attend any of my school reunions. Hundreds of them, actually. I don't want to see these people again, find out how happy and successful they are, or what they've been up to. I don't need to see them again in real life. I see them when I least expect it, when I remember something they did to me.

I saw two things today that really struck home, so to speak. One was this article on the lingering aftereffect of being victimized in school:

and the other was something allegedly cheerful, but it made me so angry I did some rapid defriending. Not that I don't like the person, but I cannot fathom why people glorify a group of manipulative assholes. They justify their like by saying "the victim deserved it" which is beside the point and frankly not their call to make. But I cannot let my f-list be populated by the celebration of bullies, even fictional ones. So since I can't figure out how to filter it so that that kind of stuff doesn't show up on my page, I had to defriend the person to get it out of there.

So, that's what happened to me today. It pisses me off I had to devote time to this. But it's either that or devote even MORE time trying to get it out of my head. Lesser of two evils.

So farewell to you bullies, even if you are fictional, you are not welcome in my space.

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