There should be one by now right?

Jan 08, 2010 11:08

If one doesn't exist, it would make someone rich to make one.

What am I talking about? A program similar to AdBlock, which I love, which on Firefox blocks almost every ad. I see none on LJ, none on Blogger, none on my news sites, none anywhere. I have almost forgotten what ads look like :-)

But what would this program do, in a similar case?

Block commentary. I'm tired of reading a page and having to deal with the GIFTed commenters below it. (GIFT meaning "Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory") I would like to get a link forwarded that does NOT have the words "don't read the comments!" attached. I want to read the part I want to read.

But, I hear you ask, what's wrong with the old "don't like it, don't read it" thing? Well yeah, but... if that's the case, why have an ad blocker? Maybe because they're distracting and annoying and draw your eye to it? Yeah, and comment pages? Exactly! Now you see my point.

So. Does anyone know if there is one, and if so, does it work with Firefox, and if so, where is it?

And if no one does, who wants to make money and a lot of friends by creating such a program?


rant, things that are awesome

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