Michael Ruffino Has A Tiny, Limp Internet Dick

Dec 28, 2009 12:19

If Amy Player were a fifty year old man with a tiny limp dick, he would be Michael Ruffino.

Okay. So, for those who don't know:

a) Laura's father is a dickwad. Left her mom for another woman, had them thrown out of their home, leaving mom to support three teenage kids on her own while he lived off another woman and her family... the usual asshaberdashery.

b) Laura's father has kept trying to get back into Laura's good graces. He keeps promising things and not coming through. Because he is a pathological liar. He claimed to have been burned in the attack on the USS Stark in 1987 when he was really stationed on the neighboring USS La Salle, and got a less than honorable discharge because of it. Which makes him an asshat of epic proportions just on that one point alone.

c) Laura has enough of his emotional blackmail. She tells him off on her LJ. And on her Facebook.

c) Laura's father is ZOMG!OFFENDED and threatens to SUE HER for her posts. He actually says, "I'm having my lawyer draw up papers, I hope you have money."

Everyone step back and let it sink in. Her father. Is "suing" her. For saying bad things about him. On the interwebs. With real internet lawyers and everything!

One question, Michael Ruffino: are you NEW here or what?

Or are you just being the same dickweed who does things just for the lulz and the reactions and has not one ounce of human decency within you? Are you the same pathological liar who has jerked around with Laura's feelings? And now you say you won't forgive HER so easily? Aren't you some sort of alleged Episcopal priest now or some crock of bullshit? Way to abuse Christianity, dickwad.

So come get it. Sue her. Sue ME too for mentioning it on MY journal. Bring it on, loser.

No one is interested in your tiny limp internet dick, Michael Ruffino. Except for pointing and laughing at. That, we can oblige you in.

rant, fail, facebook, die in a fire

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