the failiest of them all!

Dec 05, 2009 12:32

This is a true story. It's also a long story. Have a seat.

Over a year ago a new management company took over our apartment complex, Stout Management. In the last year, I swear, I have never seen the same people twice in that office. They are rude, unprofessional, and just a lot of no fun to deal with.

Yesterday Laura comes home and there's a notice on the door. Five day "pay up or quit" notice. Since we just paid the rent and have never even been a day late, this was a WTF? thing. So this morning Laura goes to sort it out, laden with all the receipts and stuff.

Turns out this is what happened: a couple of days ago someone broke into the office and stole some rent checks. Instead of alerting people that someone may have stolen their rent and to notify their bank and straighten it all out, they sent everyone--as in 600+ units-- eviction notices on their door. On a Friday at 4:30 pm. Because that way they can determine who paid their rent or not.

They made Laura put a stop payment on her first check (which they did not tell her costs money to do so, and even Bank of "we own everything" America said "they did WHAT?" so you know it's bad) and reissue another check.

No apology. No restitution. More like an attitude and a brush off. And Laura went in when they first opened and was the fifth one there to get this settled. They did this to EVERYONE.

So. How many of you think that the Arlene, the original "Fear the Harris," is taking this lying down? Anyone? Bueller?

Because we have the eviction notice (which they told us to just "throw away"). Which was not, as mandated by LAW, served by a constable. Which means it was illegally done.

Which means... hello, MEDIA :-)

Stay tuned. I'm sure it'll only get better.

Pass this on if you can. The culprit is Stout Management Co. of Las Vegas.

fail, stupid

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