thank you for adhering to the stereotype

Nov 28, 2009 23:57

One thing I hate about going to conventions is that fans, and writers are cheap petty miser bastards. Going out to dinner with a group of fans from a con, or part of a writer's group, makes me want to stab myself in the thigh with the salad fork. Nickel-diming the waitstaff to death and then leaving a 10% tip. Nine times out of ten I put money on the table to make up the difference because I do not want to be seen with these fucktards.

So anyway, the local Nano group (I went to one meeting. Went well, till I mentioned something about Harry Potter to this one woman and she went of for ten freaking minutes about how JKRowling ripped off the welfare system in Britain while writing the book and she wants to "move to Scotland and poop out kids for money" [her exact words, no really]) so needless to say I didn't go to another one for fear of having to listen to this lunatic any longer. But they're planning a "Thank God It's Over party" and it was going to be at the casino down the street for me so I was thinking what the hell. Besides, they owe me my winners's stickers. I like stickers.

Then they got into this big thing about moving to a different casino because the first one charges an 18% gratuity automatically for large parties. Everyone went "oh yes, much better, let's be cheap and go to other casino!" and now they're putting it to a vote.

I beat my head against the wall for ten minutes. Then I did the math for them. The auto gratuity on the buffet will equal less than two dollars per person. Which is the standard buffet tip no matter HOW much the bill is.

How much do you want to bet they'll still go with the one that does not have the auto gratuity, but is the nastier of the two (let me put it this way: I will NOT eat at their second choice buffet. Not even if I were paid to.)

So, I may just call this a wash and let them be cheap elsewhere.

I'm not rich, but dammit, I am not allergic to paying for service! This is a SERVICE INDUSTRY CITY, morons!

where's my bat? Seriously.

rant, stupid, nanowrimo

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