flu shot: the aftermath

Nov 24, 2009 00:20

I swear to god one day I will give myself a heart attack just by getting out of bed in the morning. Want to know how? How about this one?

I posted earlier about how sick I was after my flu shot. I know I had a bad reaction. I had to take a day off of work. Trouble is, I had to take so much time off work during my mother's illness--and after she passed--that I was high enough on the point count that one more absence meant a one day suspension. I couldn't freaking see, my face was swollen shut, so I kind of had no choice on that one. I was willing to take the bullet.

Then I remembered Thanksgiving. In order to get paid for a holiday you have to work the day before and the day after, or your nearest shift to them. So on Sunday, there's no managers, but I asked a couple of my supervisors if they knew what the deal would be. Both of them agreed that if I took my suspended day on Tuesday I'd be okay, because Wednesday is my regular day off and not subject to the "day before" rule. We all agreed that seemed right.

Today I went into work. Guess what the manager told me? Yep. And because the day of suspension has to be the day following the report of the offense, I would have to take Tuesday off without pay, and then lose my holiday pay on Thanksgiving. So I'm out THREE days of pay for taking one day off with a face that looked like it did half an hour in a cement mixer full of bees.

Needless to say I was pissed. But not so pissed as when I told the supervisor (supervisor one, aka "the buttmunch") who told me "no prob, you're good" that he was wrong. He baldfaced LIED to me that he said "no, I said exactly the opposite of that, and how dare you be mad about it because you didn't understand what I said." Other supervisor looked at him like he was wearing a Vera Wang gown and a viking helmet. When I asked supervisor two (aka "the one with integrity") if I was hearing this all right, she said no, we had agreed it was okay, we weren't sure, but we did believe it would be okay and we were wrong, sorry. So now I have three days off work with no pay and an ASSHAT for a supervisor (the one who threw me under the bus). Guess what, supervisor one, you just got yourself a spot in the next Pont-au-Change. Hope you like prison romances, dirtbag.

I had to sign off on the written warning part of the festivities. I did. I considered not doing it, but the manager's just doing her job by the book. Under the comments I said it was a disproportionate punishment in that I'm losing three days for a one day suspension. Apparently the fact that I wrote the word "disproportionate" correctly and in context without batting an eye was seen as something to be impressed by. Whatevs. So my manager, who knows that I am a walking talking Murphy's Law, suggests asking HR for an override, because after all, if I hadn't taken the flu shot, AT WORK, in the mistaken belief that it would keep me from getting sick and getting a one day suspension, I wouldn't have had to take the day off and the fucking one day suspension! So I called. Left a message, of course no one answers.

So there I am with all this on my head and now I have to answer the phone and be pleasant and helpful. Yeah, you try it. Anyway I did it for an hour but I sure TEXTED ANGER IN CAPS to let Laura know what was up. Then the manager pulls me back in the office. I figure, with my luck, it's ASSHAT SUPERVISOR whining about my lack of respect for him by saying in front of other people he's wronger than a football bat.

Turns out, she said, when she talked to HR about the whole thing, HR pointed out something very important.

Friday, apparently, is also a holiday.

So... suspend me on Tuesday, and I lose 1) the day I took sick (my bad) 2) the suspension day (also mine) and TWO FULL DAYS OF HOLIDAY PAY. So now I'm up to losing FOUR days of pay when I should only lose two, the day I took and the penalty. Overkill, much?

(which gets me to the first point, about the heart attack. This kind of stuff is not, if you read this LJ, an uncommon occurrence. This shit happens more regularly than most public transit. And what's worse, every time it happens, somehow, I manage to be surprised by it!)

So my manager (who is, let me say right out, awesome, and she was that before all this went down) said, point blank, that this is absofuckinglutely ridiculous. She kicked it upstairs and got permission to have me serve the detention one day suspension... on Sunday. Well clear of any holidays.

Originally I had figured that the sick day and the holiday pay, singular would cancel each other out and I' d only lose the penalty day. Now, instead of being minus one day, because of the second holiday pay I didn't know about, I'm actually breaking even on a regular paycheck. Because two days cancels out two days. I don't get the windfall I was hoping for with an extra day of pay, but I can handle a normal paycheck with my head held high.

So that's where I am now. After all that, I actually gained a holiday in pay, and uncovered a rat bastard at work that I can now direct my writing anger at.

I'm going to score this one a win, frankly. And then, I'm going to find Murphy and kick him in the balls.

ETA: something I forgot to mention, the cherry on the top of the suck sundae: if I had not gotten the shot, and then went till Jan 1 without a day off... ALL points roll back to zero. Now, I have to go six months without a single point in order to clear it off. Yeah. Good times. :-/

flu shot, wtf, holiday, are you kidding me?!, work

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