shut up it's a contest

Nov 23, 2009 12:36

Reposted from the other other blog

I started following a very useful blog, it's a blog that is like a thesaurus. The Bookshelf Muse has just hit their 100,000th hit, a major milestone (I'm due for mine in oh about 2211) and they're having a contest. Which I am linking to here. But you better not enter because I want to win something dammit ;-)

It's a neat read, especially if you're like me and want to find just the right word to describe just the right little detail. Then again I used to read the encyclopedia for fun, so YMMV, but I do recommend it. The most current listing's subject? Squishy.


"I shall call him Squishy, and he shall be mine and he shall be my Squishy..." -- Dory, Finding Nemo

geektastic, made of win, writing

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