what the hell happened with Masque? Part Deux

Nov 08, 2009 08:36

In the message boards for the webcomic, Wendy Pini admits that sales for volume 1 of Masque were "dismal":


(fifth comment down)

I think that's the first time they've EVER admitted anything wasn't hunky dorey with everything. But she's turning that admission around into the "poor me, I'm being shunned because I'm drawing slashy pr0n" wounded deer gambit. Not that it had anything to do with, oh, the fact that if they were getting so few hits when it was posting FREE that it sure wouldn't sell in book form at the levels they were expecting.

Or the fact that the artwork would be labeled sub par even on Deviantart. Even the one "glowing review" she links to says outright that the figures are "too rigid" and she "doesn't love every panel." (fifth and sixth paragraph from the bottom) For a five star review, it's a pretty dim glow, telling an artist the one thing they don't care for about their book is the art part.

Meanwhile on the boards, when she mentions that not everyone likes the book, some guy decides that he's going to go after anyone who dares diss the book, FOR GRATE JUSTICE!

Come get some. Call me anti-gay. Call ME a bigot. Bring it on, piker.

Oh, and I about died from the lulz from this quote, also by Wendy:

"There is a certain sly satisfaction in knowing that one has created an offering that is decidedly not for the monkeymass. It's rather like presiding over an elite salon whose members are both admired and resented for their firmly open, yet discriminating minds."

Oh yes she did. sixth post from the top. Her handle is Tempest. and underlining mine.

She's saying that if you don't "get it," you're stupid. You are "Monkeymass." Anyone who doesn't love her book is HATING ON TEH GAYS. Yep. And considering that most of her massive EQ fanbase, the ones that applauded the groundbreaking "orgy" scene in EQ 17 (original series) thirty years ago, has turned their nose up to Masque...

That's right. She just insulted all y'all. You're not smart enough for Masque. Go back to reading Elfquest, you nimrods, that's more your speed. Oh yes, she did.

The stupid, it burns. Like really perfumy napalm. It's like Glenn Beck, only with lace, soaking in a bathtub surrounded by those noxious candles you buy from those private Tupperware-style house parties.


Oook ook. Ookity ook ook ook.

wtf, rant, fail, masque, epic fail, monkeymass, stupid, are you kidding me?!, comics

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