don't come to my house and pick a fight

Sep 02, 2009 00:34

So yeah, I have a facebook page. I just have it to read other people's facebook pages. Because all the networking I want to do seems to be over here, and Facebook is full of a lot of weird games and apps that spam my page like nobody's business.

And the other day my sister sends me a friend message. Yeah, the one that does not speak to me. No, the other one. The one that's not a bitch. The one Laura doesn't want to punch out. In short, the (by default) good one. So I friend her back.

Then I made the mistake of mentioning the woman in the trunk from a few posts ago. And the fact that it occurred to me that if I was killed and stuffed in a trunk, no one would notice I was missing. (Well, duh, Laura would. But if she weren't around? Fuggetaboutit. Except maybe work. But then who would they call? Yeah.) And I made a comment that no one had bothered calling me when I didn't show up to the memorial. If I'd been carjacked on the way up there, no one would have bothered looking for me. Or reporting me gone. They would have said "oh that's just Arlene" and I'd end up on one of those "ripped from the headlines" eps of Law and Order, assuming they ever found what was left of me.

Next thing I know is I get bitchslapped on my own Facebook by the sister. And what was it she wrote? Turn to your books, you've heard this one before:  It's not about you.

I think I have a bingo, hold your cards. I don't even know why I bother having conversations, I can fill in both sides accurately. I believe I predicted that one way down there in a previous post. That's right, Arlene, your grief does not matter. Your opinion does not matter. YOU don't matter. Only everyone else's does.

I learned three valuable lessons today. One, it's not intuitive on Facebook how to defriend people but it's a skill everyone should learn. Two, the only person who gave a rat's ass about my welfare was Mom; my ears still ring with the many times she said "Paul, pay attention to your daughter" which I never really let bother me until she wasn't around to remind him I existed and was worth bothering with. Three, and this is very important: never get involved in a land war in Asia. No, wait, something about Sicilians and death and iocaine powder. No, that wasn't it either. What the hell was it?

Oh yeah. You know that old saw about how you can pick your friends but not your family? It's a lie. You can pick your family. Just not your relatives. Learning to distinguishing the difference is probably the most important thing I'll do all year.

facebook, my fucked up family

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