Jul 15, 2009 08:22

Midnight showing! Went after work and found to little or no surprise that the first three showings were sold out! So got in the last one, 12:40! That's as in AM! Or to be precise OH DARK FORTY!

I am too old for this stuff. Really. I hurt like a sumbitch and need more sleep but they shot President Bartlett and Josh is dying and I need to see this episode before I go back to bed. It's one of my favorites but I've never seen it front to back.


It is not often at all that I can sit through a 2 1/2 hour movie without being conscious I'm in a movie. Add to the fact that it was late, I just got off work, I'm up past my bedtime, and I'm in a crowd of people half my age (and younger!) in a small but packed theater...

Well, thank god the movie rocked. Because I did sit through a 2 1/2 hour movie without checking my watch. The only point I got back into consciousness was when I recognized that the cave scene was going to start, and therefore the vital third act, that I realized it as such and went "here we go."

I didn't think of the changes until afterwards. There was no way to cram Bill and Fleur into the mix without muddying the tangled plotlines. I miss the scene with the British (muggle) Prime Minister. I loved the things that happened, like the Snape and Dumbledore "don't make me do this" scene, and the final scene, with Harry directly witnessing them, rather than the way the book had them happen either with a third party witness (originally Hagrid, for the first scene, which he tells Harry about in DH) or with Harry witnessing them in a convenient manner (like the whole "paralyzed and concealed with the cloak" schtick, which they kept in the original train scene but mercifully cut from the final scene)

I love Harry under the felix drink spell. He was a whole new guy, and it's weird, but it's like he was channelling James. The confidence that can bleed into arrogance. He out-Jamesed the guy playing James XD.

I don't like that they torched the Weasley house. I did like that they avoided the whole Tonks/Lupin wah wah angst stuff and just said "They're a couple, so stuff it you batshit shippers!" and had them be a couple already.

The crystal cave was fantastic. Except when the gondola got pulled out of the water. I started humming from "Phantom." I dare anyone else to say they didn't too :-)

Anyway... this was actually worth waiting an extra 9 months for. I would have loved to see it in November, but now I'm looking at 16 months till the next one, and I can handle it. It's the home stretch and I like where this is going. This movie series is not the books, but it's good on its own.

I lied. I can't wait till the next one :-)

film, hp

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