Skylight won't give me my money! UPDATE

Mar 21, 2012 13:38

Okay, so a few weeks ago I transferred some money from a prepaid Mastercard to my Skylight bank account. The money got put on a hold. I called to ask why, they said that instead of putting it in my name, I put the bank itself as the owner of the account. I told them fine, send the money back to the Mastercard, they said it would take 3-5 business days.

Forward to 3-5 business days later, I see the money is still in there. I call, they say "oh it's because you put the name of the bank as the account owner, not your own name" I said "I know, send the money back to the Mastercard" they said "3-5 days."

Here it is 3-5 days later, I call again, they said "oh it's because you put the name of the bank as the account owner, not your own name" I said "I know, send the money back to the Mastercard" they said "3-5 days." I said what about the last guy who said 3-5 days, they said BUH.

Lather, rinse, repeat. I asked to speak to a supervisor. I'm on hold now half an hour. Then they sent me back to the operator.


Skylight won't send my money back to the Mastercard and won't release the hold so I can use it. The Mastercard cannot get the money back; Skylight has to release it.

And now when I call in, they reroute me back to the automated system. I can't get a customer care agent. I

I just want my damn money.

Their website is They don't apparently have a twitter account.

Please send out the signal. I want my damn money.

UPDATE: well the bad news is I still don't have my money. The good news is that I achieved what I thought I wouldn't be able to do again due to some stupid bank tricks 10 years ago... have an actual bank account again. Turns out I can, so I do, so my direct deposit is now rerouted to an actual bank, not that frickin payroll card I had, so now I am like a grown up again! And Skylight can kiss my fat white American-made ass, as soon as my balance drops to thirty pieces of silver ten dollars I'm cutting them loose. And then let them try to explain how they can keep my money from being refunded if I no longer have an account with them.

i hate credit cards, fail, things that suck rocks

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