so today I shaved my head - updated with pic!

Mar 03, 2012 14:17

  Baldrick - (runs in) I have a cunning plan, Mr. B!

Blackadder - I seriously doubt that, but go on, I could use the laugh.

Baldrick - (excited) Let's shave our heads together! For charity! And for solidarity for kids with cancer who have lost all theirs!

Blackadder - Baldric, that is the stupidest idea since... well, since stupid was invented, I suppose. Which in this case makes you the patron saint of stupid.

Baldrick - Saint Baldrick! I like that!

Blackadder - (exasperated sigh) Oh well, if it makes the kids feel better... why not? *under breath* Im sure I'll find a way to exploit it later...

No really. It's St. Baldrick's Day and it's a fundraiser and it was awesome. I look so good like this. Especially once I complimented it with a big ass pair of silver hoops. I guess I should post a picture, huh. Give me some time to find my camera and I'll see what I can do.

Don't know why I didn't do this years ago. Feels great.

ps: oh and it's a great excuse to find a Blackadder icon! So there it is.

blackadder, oh no she didn't

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