Cirque, I am disappoint

Dec 25, 2011 02:17

So I went to see the Michael Jackson Cirque du Soleil show up at Mandalay Bay. It was okay, for the most part, for reasons I will address later. I do want to mention something (and post a picture so I can link to it) that just stunned me at the end. There was this big happy "we are the world" moment at the end of the show and they have these flag banners that are basically flag mashups, identifying bits of three or four flags on each banner. What stunned me was this (screenshot from their official trailer for the show):

Do you see those flags? Those are Japanese WWII naval flags. Not the national flag. The fucking war flags.  Seriously who the hell thought that was a good idea? I mean the show has some other faily bits I'll get into later (mostly racefail, btw) but this was just... argh. And I couldn't help but notice more than a few Asian people walk out of that show with a "WTF?" look on their faces. Everywhere else in Asia that flag is a symbol of Japan's military aggression last century. In Japan it's a symbol of ultra right wing, makes the Tea Party look like the ACLU-kind of ubernationalism.

Seriously, I just can't brain this right now. I'll finish this later, must get sleep, but what the HELL, Cirque.

I can't believe I'm the only one who saw this. Am I the only one who paid attention in 20th Century History? Godddamn.

racefail, wtf, fail, son i am disappoint, cirque du soleil

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