updated: fuck you mister universe

Nov 24, 2011 12:34

The lingering cough I have? Has developed into occasional horrific bouts of the cough that Hurts Like Shit and I Can't Breathe. Checking symptoms online, have pretty much pegged it as Whooping Cough. FUCK MY LIFE.

No doctor today. Will have to wait till tomorrow. Seriously, what the hell. Will have to alert work; if it is whooping cough, I'm over the infectious stage now that I'm in the paroxysm stage but other people will have been exposed the last few weeks or so. Oh yeah, nothing makes a call center happier than a boatload of massively coughing people. Shit.

Oh and happy Thanksgiving. Be thankful you're not me this year.

UPDATE: saw the doctor, I am not shoopin the whoop :-) unfortunately he says it's a viral infection, no cure for it, just drink plenty of fluids, gargle with salt water, take mucinex, blah blah. Which I was already doing. I paid $20 for this. I should open my own clinic, seriously.

state of the arlene, fml, dammit

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