goddam stupid Ebay people

Feb 19, 2011 02:54

I swear, every time I sell something that has anything to do with toys or games or comics, I get the dumbest, most ridiculous people buying shit. Seriously. First I got some zero bidder who bought something and then failed to pay; I had to wait a week just to relist it and get it going again. Then I got one guy saying "one piece was damaged, send me something else to compensate." It didn't leave my house damaged, and I wrapped the item, so there's no way it could have separated the way he's saying it did. However, I offered to refund it but only if he sent back the whole set, not just one piece. Of course I never heard from him again. I had a guy do something like this years ago, when DC came out with reprints of some first issues of classic series comics; I sold a set of Watchmen and he said "the first issue is damaged, refund me for it" and I told him to piss off.

Now I got another loser who a) didn't read the whole "don't ship outside the US" thing (well, I do, usually if people ask me nicely -- I just don't advertise it) and b) didn't read the whole "payment only by Paypal within three days of auction ending" because he emails me the day after the auction ends saying he'll send the money next week, as in, "maybe Thursday". I told him he'd better pay WITH PAYPAL and ON TIME and he better provide a US address to ship it to or I'm reporting and relisting. Jerk.

I can sell anything else with no problem: books, jewelry, clothing, you name it, I never have the hassle I have when I try to sell non-fannish things. But anything to do with anime? HASSLE HASSLE HASSLE. Once these auctions are done I'm not doing it anymore. It's not worth weeding through the fucktards to make a little extra money.

i saw whut you did thar, stupid, ebay, die in a fire

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