ETA: taxes done!

Jan 28, 2011 13:44

I broke the land speed record for doing taxes online. Will get my refund in about 2 weeks, enough not only to move with, but to pay off the payday loan that's been bleeding me dry the past couple of months just carrying the interest...

So technically I'm okay enough right now I don't need to sell stuff on Ebay, but, I think I need to sell stuff on Ebay. To get it out of here, to move on from it. To buy other things with no bad stop spending money you don't even have yet

The good news is that I can now list the stuff on Ebay for what I want to get for it, not what I think I can sell it for quickly. So, yay.

I also turned in my notice at the apartment. Can you believe they tried to talk me out of moving? They were shocked when I told them I already had a place paid for and ready to go, I was waiting out my lease. (BTW, the police were at the downstairs neighbors when I got home from work last night, I think I'll have a heart attack from no surprise /iago) Hilariously on my 30day notice letter they put down as my reason for leaving "moving closer to work" NO you clods, I AM moving closer to work now that I'm leaving, but I'm leaving because I'm tired of the neighbors causing trouble, I'm tired of the jackasses blaring their car stereos in the parking lot and making my walls vibrate like a subwoofer, I'm tired of the trash all over the place, and I'm tired of having to sleep with earplugs in my ears. Dumb shits.

But I did get my notice in and I got my bills paid and my taxes done and I'm now on season 6 of the MST3K videotape-to-DVD transfer project and I bought the rest of the blanks I'll need to complete it before I move (I decided I'm keeping the tapes anyway, just because, but I'll store them in a box for archival purposes). I'm doing two per disk but that's still about 100 disks, having everything except a few of the KTMA episodes. It's been cool rewatching them in order, and leaving the ones I didn't much like to tape themselves overnight. That VHS-DVD cross dubbing machine I bought was totally worth it.

And then I discovered I could save myself a ton of money instead of buying iced coffee at the Burger King, for $4 I can has a bottle of Torani vanilla syrup and make my own for almost nothing.

Something will come along to rain on my parade, but till then, me and Spongebob are having the Best Day Ever. :-)

ETA Guess What? The neighbors downstairs have an eviction notice DUCT TAPED to their door (WIN) and my tax money is actually coming THIS friday, not NEXT friday! so YAAAAAYYYY

neighbors, i has a happy, new apartment, best day ever, goof off day, money, ebay

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