If I were a radio station UPDATED

Dec 03, 2010 12:34

I would have to move back east because then I could be WANK In The Afternoon! K is a boring callsign.

So anyway ever since I've lived in this apartment (3+ years) apparently there are some who believe I am a radio station. I get CDs sent to me all the time, one at a time, indy CDs, to the name of some guy I do not know but to my exact street address. I usually catch them when they're being handed to me and have Fed Ex or whatever send them forward (after the first couple I didn't even look at the address for and went "who sends me this shit?" But I digress.

Yesterday I went to the management office to pick up some boxes I was expecting from Fingerhut and Ebay (aka Santa 1 and Santa 2) and there was an extra box there about the size of a shoebox. With the guy's name on it and the radio station call letters. And my address that I've had for three years. "This isn't mine," I said. They went "la la la whatever" and pretty much demanded I take the box out of their office since it had MY address on it.

When I opened the box I discovered twelve brand new Black Eyed Peas CDs from Universal Music. That's right, the RECORD COMPANY thinks I'm a radio station too. And apparently they've now changed their format from indy and rap crap to whatever passes for Top 40 in the 21st century. So I've got these CDs.

And because I am an honest stupid person I Googled the radio station call letters and found their tiny little office on Tropicana. It took forever to find a phone number for them and it was just the request line; I requested someone call me back so I could give them their dang CDs but no one has bothered to call. I will make an attempt to deliver them today but if they don't accept them I'm not shipping them back, it's not my responsibility to pay postage to the stupid record company. Although I may just call Universal Music and tell them they're idiots. And to update their address book.


UPDATE: Okay, holy chrome, Universal had the right address it was UPS that insists I'm a radio station and slapped a forwarding label on it! What the hell. First I'll try the radio station, then we'll see what happens after that. This is just WEIRD.

UPDATED UPDATE: So I found the radio station! Got lost twice. The first thing the receptionist said was "you got lost, right?" XD

I told her about the CDs and they had actually written them off as lost and they were shocked (I could tell) that they got them all back. Apparently this happens frequently due to the name of the person these things are addressed to (it's the same guy every time). So I'm walking out and she says "What kind of music do you like" and I of course PANICKED and said "Oh, lots of things, I'm kind of boring" and she goes into the closet where apparently they keep a LOT of CDs that record companies send them and said "Here, you might like this" and I said "Wow thanks!" I wasn't expecting that although I was kind of hoping you know yeah yeah.

So, I traded twelve CDs that weren't mine to keep for one that is. And it was a pretty good CD too; I actually enjoyed it although it's not my typical kind of music, it's kind of country westerny. Perfect for the rodeo that's in town this weekend. So, score one for honesty.

Just one thing, though. This guy Keith Urban, is he like popular or something? *shrug*

/not kidding, had to Google him 

ftw, wtf, music

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