okay, book, what gives?

Nov 15, 2010 10:00

Okay, so I'm over halfway through my nano goal but my story is going nowhere. It's gone off into the ditch and sprung a drill and is currently halfway to the earth's core. I decided I'm just going to write 50k of something and call it a day. I can sort it out later.

Also, other book? The one I did last year? WHY ARE YOU NOW TELLING ME ALL THE NEAT STUFF YOU WANT ME TO DO IN THE NEXT DRAFT? It sounds great, but why now? Can't you see I'm trying to work on something else?

I never had this problem when I wrote one thing at a time. Now that I have several things in the pot they're all either begging me for attention when I'm doing something else or being pouty little creeps when I'm trying to work with them.

I'm almost sure a lot of this is due to uncertainty right now. I'm in the middle of one of those Big Life Transitions and the one thing I do badly is change. I like things to be the same every day, no surprises, unless I say "hey I need a surprise right now".  So brain is running around going "the sky is falling" and subconscious is trying to keep calm and tell me stories without actually having to do the work/stress part. That's why when I want A I get B instead, because B does not equal obligation right now, it equals fun.

I may just have to table everything until the end of the year. I had hoped to be more productive this year but it never really clicked. It's not so much flogging dead horses as one huge whack-a-mole game.

I think I'll finally set up that new printer I bought and print me out the draft of the book that's doing the "lookie lookie" dance at me and see about making some notes on that. Because the whole end sequence just slapped me in the face and went "do it this way" and I agree it would be awesome. Maybe if I tell myself just reading it wouldn't be work? Maybe I can fool it.

Let's give it a try...

fail, are you kidding me?!, nanowrimo

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