I love it when a plot comes together!

Oct 18, 2010 23:16

Boy, the moment I decided to make the 2nd Carillon Quartet book my Nano focus it started coming together. Despite the fact that I had no idea what the title was, who the POV character should be, and what would happen other than point A starting right where CQ left off and point B where the last book is supposed to begin.

This last week I have found my POV character (who is not Berech like it was in the first book... I don't know how that happened but book 2 is definitely not her story to tell, even though she become the POV character again in the 3rd book) who is called Pedri, who starts out with our Intrepid Heroes of Book One but has to go on a quest of his own shortly after the opening sequence and establishing sections. And I have a title finally after THREE YEARS of trying to think of one: Carillon Heretics. I have a new set of characters which I didn't want to create because they're throwaway characters and I'm not interested in them until I decided to theme them after the Seven Deadly Sins and they all came together with names, backgrounds, and subplot points of interaction with main character. Once I realized who Pedri is it was easy to create the others: Nyve, Geran, Stohl, Redge, Tsul, and Longutt. You're all so damn clever you figure it out :-D

Also managed to doodle up the cast pic. For your viewing pleasure:

I'm hoping CH will breeze right through so the more mammoth task of working on Honor at the same time will come together as well. My goal is two books of at least 50k each. CH may write itself so I'm not worried. If I can churn out 50k of NEW material on Honor I will be pleased as all get out.

So, we have goals. And new stuff to explore. Whee! Can't wait!

carillon heretics, carillon quartet, nanowrimo

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