my neighbor

Oct 07, 2010 23:06

Holy crap. Okay, I'm sitting here and suddenly I hear this metallic WHUMP outside and I think someone is being a dumbass on the stairs and suddenly L says "it sounds like someone fell" and we go running out and there's our elderly neighbor Paul face down at the foot of the concrete stairs. Holy SHIT. L dials 911 and I'm trying to get him to talk to me and he keeps calling me "Susan" for some reason but that's okay. Another neighbor comes out and helps Paul get his arm out from under him (but his shoulder is messed up) and I keep telling him not to move because his neck hurts (but his feet are moving so WHEW) and I just keep talking to him and telling him to hold on till the ambulance gets here and there's a LOT of blood came from his head.

It took the paramedics awhile to get him turned over and the neck brace on him and onto the stretcher and I picked up his cell phone and asked him if there was anyone I should call and he said "no." I gave the EMT his phone anyway. L called the management office and left a message; hopefully they have an emergency contact number.

I've never seen Paul have anyone over to the house; he just lost his 17 year old dog a couple of months ago and he lives by himself. Hell, I didn't even know his last name till I went looking through his briefcase for one so when I call the hospital I can ask for the right guy. He's always just been "Paul."

I put his briefcase and what looks like his work clothes and for some reason a circular saw he was bringing upstairs in our apartment for safekeeping (my grandmother had her wedding ring stolen right off her hand at the hospital when she was in the last stages of dementia, so there's no way in hell I'm leaving his checkbook and other important briefcase stuff at the hospital for crying out loud!). I realized a little bit ago that if I hadn't come home from work early L would have had to deal with this shit all by herself and I would have come home to "guess what".

I'm calling the hospital in about an hour to see if maybe they have a status on him. They may not tell me anything as I am not family (privacy blah blah) but I'm going to see what's up. Then tomorrow me and L are going to the hospital to check up on him.

Anyway that's my "Friday" night. I have the next two days off. We'll see what happens during them.

Update 1: this morning he's in ICU. We're going to go see him this afternoon, hopefully he'll be doing better by then. I'm concerned because he had NO emergency contact info in his briefcase (hoping his medical card is in his wallet, which I'm going to assume he had on him because the hospital didn't ask us for it) and I know he has horses, but I don't know where they're boarded or if/who would care for them in his absence.

Shit this is a nightmare... although I suppose in an ironic way I guess it's a good thing his dog passed away earlier this summer because he was blind and deaf and pretty much helpless there at the end and if he were still alive we'd have had to beg the apartment manager to open the door so we could take care of him too.

neighbors, nightmare fuel

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