christ not again

Sep 21, 2010 11:11

So suddenly (after 9 months since the last time I heard from her) I've been getting emails from my sister. I have not read them. Why? Because the subject lines are spam. ONCE AGAIN she downloaded something she shouldn't and now somebody grabbed her address book and is spamming her contacts.

What would happen before, so many times before, is that I would go down there, clean out her computer of viruses, tell her AGAIN what not to do and how to run her own resident diagnostic programs, and she would get pissed off that I was treating her like the idiot she is.

Because after the eight or ninth time she fucks up her computer, that makes her officially a fucking idiot. Actually that happened long before this but now it's officially certified.

And every time her answer was "but I didn't download anything!" Honest, I swear. It just showed up and messed up everything. Yeah right.

And between her and her son, they have had to replace their computers (or the motherboards) at least ten times due to screwing up.

Meanwhile In the 20+ years I have owned personal computers (literally, bought one at Radio Shack in 1989, NO hard drive, two 5" floppy drives, did almost nothing), I've had two laptops (both bought used) and 5 computers (each one replaced as I exceeded my ability to upgrade). And in all that time I have never once had a virus wipe my drive, or had my address book yoinked, or had my computer suddenly turn into a spammer slave, and I have never once had to get someone to peel all the crap out of my computer that downloaded itself because I assumed that the internets are perfectly safe and no one puts anything bad in it.

But lord how many times I had to fix theirs. With little to no thanks for it.

Hopefully one of Chris's friends can fix it for you, again. Because I'm over here not being listened to, again.

fail, my fucked up family

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